"Illuminated Cello" features the incomparable Chrissy Lancaster, a world-renowned electro-acoustic cellist and composer, alongside the dynamic Lightwave Lightshow, created by pioneering light show artist John Hardham. Together, they deliver an unforgettable experience, weaving sound and light into an immersive journey through space and time. This year's event promises even more magic with special guest musicians, aerial silks performers, and gymnasts.
Chrissy Lancaster revolutionizes the cello with his innovative style, seamlessly blending classical techniques with modern pop influences and cutting-edge technology. Known for his improvisational brilliance, Lancaster transforms his instrument into a versatile soundscape of percussive rhythms and emotive melodies, enhanced by live sampling. A globe-trotting performer, his career highlights include touring with Black Sabbath drummer Bill Ward and performing for President Obama at the Kennedy Center Honors. At the Bingen Theater, Lancaster will captivate audiences with his 100-year-old cello, "Lucas," set against Hardham's stunning projections.
John Hardham, the creator of the Lightwave Lightshow, combines graphic arts, photography, animation, and video into a live, dynamic visual performance. Using computers and video cameras, Hardham crafts a dazzling display that reacts in real-time to the music. "Performing with Chrissy is always a thrill," says Hardham. "This marks our third collaboration, and the Bingen Theater's intimate setting enhances the connection between performers and audience." A veteran of iconic tours with the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, and Quicksilver Messenger Service, Hardham has returned to his roots after a successful career as a videographer. His partnership with Lancaster is a fusion of improvisational genius that brings light and sound to life.
This year’s performance features extraordinary guest artists, including 11-year-old aerial silks sensation Helen Burton, accompanied by Lyra Moore and Hazel Moore. Gymnast Vela Pitcher-Reid will add an acrobatic dimension to the show. The musical lineup includes Ali Crockett Moore (piano, guitar), and Emily S. Pitcher (guitar and vocals) enriching the evening with their remarkable talents.